Tuesday, February 23, 2010

MindsOne, Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears, Cedric Burnside & Lightnin' Malcolm, Leslie

Okay, the site is up and functional, looking pretty good. I'm still tightening things up, and if you've seen it recently, it is almost where it needs to be.

I had some awesome experiences over the last week or so in regards to the mag. The Bruce Kulick video feature jumpstarted things and got a lot of internet media attention for AYPmagazine.com . To those sites that covered it, I have not forgotten and will certainly link to you VERY soon.

KONscience of underground hip hop fam MindsOne allowed me to visit the lab. KON kicked a few verses and granted AYP Magazine an impromtu interview where we discussed the MindsOne crew, the new album (due this summer), influences, and dream collaborations. You can check for it at www.youtube.com/user/AYPmagazine or www.AYPmagazine.com . This week should allow me to hook up with the entire MindsOne crew, so stay tuned for more.

Sunday night I had the opportunity to link up with Black Joe Lewis in Wilmington, NC at The Soapbox as he and The Honeybears continue their east coast tour with Cedric Burnside and Lightnin' Malcolm. Joe was extremely polite yet very reserved one-on-one but let it all go in front of the audience. Unfortunately the video footage didn't come out so good, but I am working on a piece for the site which include all the essential quotes from our interview. A great showman with tons of talent. The world needs to wake up.

What can I say about Cedric Burnside and Lightnin' Malcolm? Both are true southern gentlemen, as is Cedric's brother Cody who performed a few songs as well. Lightnin' was tending to other business, but we were able to capture Cedric on camera for a brief interview. Look for it on www.AYPmagazine.com very soon.

Show openers, Leslie from Charleston, SC impressed me as well. Their bluesy rock sounded great, and I definately look forward to their new cd.

Keep checking www.AYPmagazine.com for constant interviews, articles, and reviews. Sign up for the message board and start a discussion. It's all there, and it's free! Original artists, feel free to contact me with your Electronic Press Kits. Until next time.....

Andy Nichols

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